February 2019
December 2018
October 2018
September 2018
Why Bother with the Bible?
Mason2018-09-12T16:41:14+00:00A video by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Summary: Dr. Jordan
October 2017
Why Should Guys Participate in Bible Study?
Kyle Pedersen2018-06-10T22:35:39+00:00A YouTube Video by Project Twelve SUMMARY: Why do so many
Bold At Home
Kyle Pedersen2018-06-10T22:35:55+00:00A YouTube Video by Lutheran Men In Mission SUMMARY: Listen
Bold in Our Testimony
Kyle Pedersen2018-06-10T22:21:15+00:00A YouTube Video by Lutheran Men In Mission SUMMARY: Pastor Lorne
Bold and Daring In The World
Kyle Pedersen2018-06-20T19:49:39+00:00A YouTube Video by Lutheran Men In Mission SUMMARY: Pastor Robert
Bold in Our Relationship With God
Kyle Pedersen2018-06-20T19:46:04+00:00A YouTube Video by Lutheran Men In Mission SUMMARY: Pastor John
July 2017
Discipleship Patterns Explained Using Shapes
Kyle Pedersen2018-06-10T22:22:31+00:00A YouTube Video by Project Twelve SUMMARY: We hear the word