A Podcast by The Good Dad Project


Summary: The vision of the Dad Edge Project is- To help men achieve whole life mastery and execute on the goals that enable them to show up as the best men, husband, and fathers they can be.


Larry Hagner hosts this podcast that offers practical information for men on how to take care of self and be the best father and husband possible. These podcasts are confrontational and filled with practical information and advice. Some of the titles included are:


Creating a Legacy

Why Perfection is the Enemy of Becoming a Better Dad

The Power in Sharing Your Struggle

How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography

Making Moments for Your Family

How To Get Through a Job Loss as a Father

How to Approach Your Wife When You’re in Crisis

The Easy and Effective Way to Budget for Your Goals

Teaching Kids to Take Ownership

The Driven Dad Fitness and Nutrition Boot camp


Use Case: Listen to this podcast individually or with a men’s group of fathers.


Speed Bumps: The source appears to be secular based.