In our growing up years, our patience is tried again and again. Who did that to you more than anyone else?
Having lost your patience, how did you typically respond?
Moses might be the world’s first frustrated middle-manager. Before he discovered his true lineage and God chose him to lead the Israelites to freedom, he enjoyed the good life as the Pharaoh’s adopted son. But it was a lie, so he joined his people and became a slave, then God’s emissary – and eventually a great leader. But early on, stories like this one filled him, and his people, with doubt. Freedom wouldn’t be easy, so Moses needed some reassurance from God that He would come through. And God tells him he needs to keep the faith. Moses’ mission, only possible with God and patience, is to deliver the Hebrews from slavery.
God’s Story
Read Exodus 5:22-6:12. Then, if possible, read it again with parts assigned to the narrator, God (with a voice of authority), and Moses (with faltering lips).
Finding My Story in God’s Story
Moses has good reason to be puzzled and angry at God. Think of a time when you felt thrown under the bus by someone you trusted. How did you handle it?
- I sucked it up and kept going.
- I walked away thinking, “I’ll give this guy one more shot.”
- I got in his face and let him have it.
- I was confused but figured a plan is in there somewhere.
- Other __________.
Put yourself in Moses’ sandals. How would you feel in this situation?
- I’m holding out hope to be the hero here.
- Maybe I’m not cut out for this, I need backup.
- I’m a good soldier, and it’s God, so I’m in.
- I’m tempted to just bail.
- Other __________.
God knows Moses has already lost “street cred” with the Israelites. Why does he stick with him?
- He’s invested – Moses is the only guy with a direct line to him.
- When the Israelites are finally free, their faith will be restored.
- Moses has Pharoah’s ear.
- God loves to build his leaders out of doubters.
- Other __________.
What does Moses mean by “faltering lips”?
- His words carry no weight with the people.
- He stumbles or hesitates, as with a speech impediment.
- He doesn’t have the vocabulary to get his story straight.
- He must be missing the meat of God’s message somehow.
- Other __________.
Do you blame, or identify, with the Israelites for their impatience, and why?
When you experience frustrating days, like Moses, how would you describe your patience level?
- Good things come to those who wait.
- I used to be impatient, but with experience I’m getting better.
- I have a tough time waiting for others to get with the program.
- Depends on what I’m waiting for!
- Other __________.
Moses had a sense of faltering in his speech, whereas I tend to falter when …
- I miss a deadline at work.
- I don’t pay enough attention to fitness and health.
- I lose my temper with my family.
- I feed my doubts instead of my faith.
Our Story
What in this story speaks to you about “being there” for those you care about?
- People are counting on me, even if I don’t “deliver” right away.
- Family and friends are worth my commitment even if they doubt me.
- In the end, God’s promises are ironclad.
- It’s true: Short-term pain, long-term gain.
- Other _________.
How can we support you in prayer?
And who else might need your prayer in the week ahead?