
1. Think about a group that you’re in, such as at church, a civic group, or sports team. What kinds of rituals do you do together that help define your group and hold it together?



Acts 2: 42-47 describes the activities of the early Christian community after the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles at Pentecost (2:1-13). This passage recounts how the new believers built their community of support. Pilgrims from around the world noticed what was happening, and many became Christians as a result. As you study, watch how devoted these early Christians were to each other and to the teachings of Jesus.

God’s Story

Have someone read aloud Acts 2: 42-47.

Finding My Story in God’s Story

2. Imagine that the church leaders assigned you to take a video journal of these early days for the church blog. What TWO settings would you choose to record? Why do you think they are important to keep?

3. Where do you see yourself in this story?

  • I am like an early believer, devoted to sacrificial giving.
  • I am curious but unsure about fully committing to the community.
  • I am skeptical of the teachings of Jesus but open to learning.
  • I don’t. I’m feeling left out, left behind.
  • Other __________.

4. Of the several practices of the early church listed here, which one(s) might you find most meaningful in your life?

  • Watching all the “signs and wonders.”
  • Sharing life with other believers.
  • Worshipping with a church community.
  • Serving those in need.
  • Other __________.

5. What makes it hard for you to join an established group? Or, if you don’t find that difficult, why not? (What paved the way for you to join?)

6. This story talks about a common purse and sharing possessions with everyone in need. How does that make you feel?

  • Inspired – I want to give generously.
  • Guilty – I don’t feel like I give enough.
  • Skeptical – I wonder if giving really makes a difference.
  • Indifferent – I don’t know what I feel right now.
  • Other __________.

7. When have you experienced an all-inclusive community? If you have not, what do you think is missing in your current community life?

8. Where do you fall short in comparison to the example of the early believers?

  • I feel like broken bread, torn in two, spread too thin as it is.
  • I am too selfish. I own my stuff, and no one gets to take what is mine.
  • I can only take so much church in one week—who has time for all that togetherness?
  • I need a facelift, as I’m not willing to face up to my brothers and sisters in need.
  • I measure up to the early believers in this key respect…

9. What NEXT step do you need to take this week to follow the example of the early believers?

  • Set aside time to read and reflect on the spiritual practices of the Early Church.
  • Gather with others for worship, fellowship, and encouragement.
  • Reach out and give my time, talent, and treasure to those in need.
  • Run away to some monostatic order and hide in the desert.
  • Other _________.

Our Story

10. How can this group help you take that “next step” this week?

  • Please give me a call for encouragement.
  • A text would be great.
  • Just keep praying for me.
  • Cheer me on when you see me.
  • Other _________.

11. Go around the group and pray silently for the person on your left—and the next step they need to take. After about 30 seconds of silence, the group leader will speak aloud to close in prayer.