
Describe a chaotic time in your workplace. Who was involved? What was going on?



By now the disciples had been with Jesus for some time. They had witnessed the miracles. They had heard him teaching large crowds. Specifically, they heard Jesus’ Parable of the Sower (how sowing the gospel seed takes root and bears fruit in their lives—not to be rejected at the first sign of trouble or distraction). They heard the Parable of the Lamp on a Stand (how the light of that gospel is meant to shine in the darkness—not to be hidden, but rather held up high). And they heard the Parable of the Mustard Seed (how growth of that gospel from a tiny seed becomes a mighty bush hosting a diverse array of birds). While the crowds did not understand all these riddles and confusing figures of speech, Jesus explained their meaning to the disciples in private. Despite the wisdom and comfort still fresh in their minds, when the storm hit just a few hours later the disciples were afraid.


God’s Story

Lower the lights and choose a dramatic reader. As best you can, picture yourself at sea, at night, in a storm, in a small wooden boat. As you read Mark 4: 35-41, pause for effect.


Finding My Story in God’s Story

  1. Where do you see yourself in this dramatic story?
    1. Like Jesus, relaxed and sleeping.
    2. Hanging on for dear life.
    3. Shouting orders to others.
    4. Screaming at Jesus to wake up.
    5. Other _________.


2. Which would be more terrifying to you—the storm or Jesus’ command of it? Why?


3. Jesus uses the storm as a parable-in-action. What might he be teaching his disciples this time?

    1. Sleeping through the storms of life is possible with Jesus in your boat.
    2. Calming natural storms is NBD compared to what he can do with human nature.
    3. There’s more to Jesus than merely a good teacher or storm chaser.
    4. Dark and stormy nights never last; faith in Jesus does.
    5. Jesus never wastes a good crisis, so learn what you can from it.
    6. Other _________.


4. Jesus decided to press on to the next shore after a long, hard day. Tell what it’s like for you when you’re exhausted but insist on pushing past your expiration date.



Our Story

5. Tell us about a storm you weathered and what you got from the experience. What did you learn that made a difference for you when the next big storm came up?


6. Imagine a storm hits you. It’s light out, draining all your energy; you feel overwhelmed by the weight and force of it all. Who ya gonna call after you “wake up” to ask for help?

  1. Ghostbusters or other lifeline to turn the lights back on.
  2. Wife or partner to get up and do something.
  3. Boss or trusted colleague to check on things at work.
  4. Pastor, counselor, or someone in my men’s group.
  5. I keep it between me and God, as my faith is too private.
  6. Other __________.


7. How might there be room for improvement in your personal storm support strategy? (What do you learn in this regard, as others share their storm stories?)


8. Describe a situation where you were the solid calm for someone else’s storm. How did it feel to be the calm for someone else’s storm?

  1. It felt great, like I was doing God’s work of sowing seed, holding light, and bearing fruit.
  2. It’s easier to help with another’s storm than face my own.
  3. I have empathy for that person; “there but for the grace of God go I.”
  4. By listening to another’s storm story, I learn a lot about my own.
  5. I stay out of it for fear of being re-traumatized myself.
  6. Other __________.


9. Close your group time in prayer. Bring before God those caught up in a storm right now. Consider possible lifelines for them, even your presence, much as Jesus was there for his friends, reminding them of all that Jesus has done and could do for them in this crisis.