Growing up, who was the storyteller sharing your family’s history? Why would it be important for you and the next generation to recount and hear these stories?
Joshua recounts the story of Israel—from Abraham through the Exodus to the God’s victories over giants and fortified cities in the Promised Land. God has been faithful throughout their history. This backstory presents the ultimatum for Israel to obey God alone, going forward. Joshua pledges loyalty to the Lord alone, but his singular pledge (24:15)—often mounted as a plaque in homes today—is no substitute for each person within the family, each family within their clan, each tribe within all of Israel also pledging their lifelong service and commitment. This covenant is recorded in Scripture and solemnized in place and time before God himself.
God’s Story
Have one person read Joshua 24: 1-27.
Finding My Story in God’s story
If you were in the crowd hearing the reminder of God’s relationship to God’s people and then Joshua’s declaration (vs 14-15), how would you have responded?
- No more hedging my bets; it’s time to “put up or shut up.”
- No way to dodge this one; he’s been talking about me!
- No doubt about it, I am with Joshua and the people who follow the Lord!
- Ouch, he hits close to home; I’ve messed up and have a decision to make.
- Other __________.
As you are in the crowd, what story stands out as Joshua recounts the nation’s history?
- This ancient history is all grandpa stories, of no relevance to me today.
- All war stories—cool stuff and such a rich history to be grateful for.
- Can’t remember any facts, dates or events recited, but God is hero of ‘em all.
- Give me a Bible with a dictionary to look up what Joshua is talking about.
- Other __________.
Let Joshua’s exhortation sink in: “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…. But as for me and my household.…” (vs. 15). What lesson do you draw from this?
- I’ve screwed up—no way I live up to that pledge!
- I’m jacked up, ready to get going; God is with us!
- I’m with Joshua, driving a stake in the ground to signal my commitment!
- That’s the man I want my family to see in me, but I don’t know how.
- Other __________.
Joshua urged his followers to “throw away the gods that your forefathers worshipped” (vs 14). What “gods” (idols that distract from God) would your children ask you to renounce?
- Stop Internet trolling and abusing social media.
- Stop pursuing empty dreams or selfish ambitions.
- Stop clinging to your past (laurels or whatever) if they compete with God.
- Stop wanting (perfection or possessions) and be content with what I do have.
- Other __________.
Joshua reminded Israel of God’s faithfulness. Where have you seen God’s faithfulness in your life? (e.g., healing, reconciliation, open doors)
Our Story
God knows we are forgetful people yet wants us to remember our spiritual journey. In your circle of friends and family, what have you heard about God’s faithfulness?
- Family members have told me about ancestors who served the church.
- I am reminded every time I receive communion and ….
I recall one “stake-in-the-ground” moment; let me tell you about it.
- I’m not really hearing anything.
- Other __________.
What reminders help you and your household “serve the Lord”?
- My partner’s phone call, for check-in and follow-up or “honey do” list.
- My prayer journal and promise book serve as reminders.
The guys in this group with texts, phone calls, face to face encouragement
- My “stake-in-the-ground” moment, or vow with consequences
- Other __________.
Following the pattern of covenant renewal that Joshua set forth for future generations, go around the group and share what, if anything, you have done along these lifelines:
- Invoke visual reminders of what God has done for you or your family.
- Commemorate annually a spiritual commitment made by you and yours.
- Make ceremonial list of “gods” that you and yours will or have already forsaken.
- With that list, “toss” (even burn) those things you have forsaken.
- Some other lifeline or covenant renewal that is meaningful to you.
End your time together with a lifeline of prayer for your respective renewals of covenant. Pray for any in your household who may have strayed from those commitments.