
Choose either scenario A or B to talk about with your group: (A) a time you were caught lying, stealing, or cheating; or (B) a time when you boastfully predicted a win but failed miserably. Explain why you chose that scenario? And if you choose not to share aloud, please tell why you lost your nerve.



Jesus had been arrested the night before in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he was betrayed for money and with a kiss, as plotted by Judas and predicted by Jesus (Luke 22:3-6,21-23). The immediate interrogation by high priest Caiaphas may violate our standards of due process and sense of justice, but this too followed a certain script of that era. Peter lingered to see what would happen next, but contrary to his protestations of loyalty to Jesus, Peter also disowned Jesus. Just then a rooster crowed and tears flowed, as predicted (for Jesus’ prediction, see Matthew 26:33-34). Yet failure is not the end of this story; later, Peter is restored to Jesus and goes on to lead the early Christian movement.


God’s Story

Read Luke 22:54-62.  You could assign people to be the narrator, Peter, and the three accusers. 


Finding My Story within God’s Story

Where in this story do you find yourself?

  1. With Jesus, feeling betrayed by a close friend.
  2. With Peter, having betrayed someone close.
  3. With the accusers, as I’m good at detecting lies.
  4.  With the rooster, as I’s always crowing about something.
  5. Other __________.


Given how Peter responds to the accusers, how do you think he’s feeling?

  1. Defiant—“They won’t get me.”
  2. Panicky—“They might arrest me!”
  3. Resentful—“Why did I sign on with Jesus in the first place.”
  4. Cunning—“I’ll fool them.”
  5. Other __________.


What do you imagine goes on inside Peter when Jesus turns to look at him? 

  1. What have I done?
  2. Can you forgive me?
  3. I need to get out of here.
  4. Other __________.


Peter shifted quickly from being brave and loyal to being cowardly and disloyal. When have you been like Peter, in your experience with others or with God?  


So why do you think this “bad news” story—that is Peter’s failure—was included in the Gospel (meaning, “Good News”)?


Likewise, Jesus sees us fail. How might the riveting look from Jesus—the look he gives every “Peter” in his church—help you move on and be good news for those who hear your story? 


Our Story

The gift I received from the group today is: ________________. And I want to thank ______________ for sharing his story with us.


What are some next steps, or lifelines, that we might extend to others who screw up bigtime?


Pray about those next steps in questions #8 and #10.