
1. Who has come alongside you to encourage, guide and teach you? How did they do it? If you have no such person in your life, what kind of encouragement and guidance do you wish you could have?


Priscilla and Aquila were a married couple who worked together as tentmakers. They welcomed Paul into their home and made tents with him. They also served with Paul by encouraging, teaching, and starting new churches in their home. They even risked their lives for Paul (Romans 16:3-4). With their gifts of hospitality and teaching, they also took Apollos under their wing. He was an Alexandrian Jewish Christian and a very knowledgeable, dynamic speaker. But he didn’t have the whole story until Priscilla and Aquila invited him to their home. After this encounter, a newly minted Apollos became a key figure in the growth of the early church.

God’s Story

Have someone read aloud Acts 18:1-4 and Acts 18:18-28.

Finding My Story in God’s Story

2. Where in this story can you see yourself?

    1. Making tents, reminds me of my camping days.
    2. Moving around a lot, never settling down
    3. Couch surfing and others cooking, I love hospitalit
    4. I too wish I knew the ways of God more adequately.
    5. Other __________.

3. If you had the chance to work alongside Priscilla and Aquilla, what would be the first thing you’d do?

    1. Spend time analyzing how they manage to work with Paul.
    2. Tell them to stop following this “crazy guy” Paul, everywhere he goes.
    3. Ask if I could stay in their spare bedroom for a few days.
    4. Take notes on their marriage, so I could write a book.
    5. Other __________.

4. Put yourself in the temple as this “learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the scriptures” who had “been instructed in the way of the Lord.” You begin to speak fervently, then realize you don’t have the full story. Oops. What would have you done?

    1. Nothing, I just would have stewed.
    2. Complained to others, building controversy and doubt.
    3. Left the building, too embarrassed to return.
    4. I’d seek out someone more experienced and learn from him or her.

5. Pricilla and Aquila invited Apollos to their home to “explain to him the way of God more adequately.” What was the benefit of that?

    1. Apollos was humbled but not humiliated.
    2. Apollos was now equipped and empowered to be a key leader.
    3. Teachability is an admirable trait worth cultivating.
    4. Good teachers prevent false doctrine from spreading.
    5. Other __________.

6. What do you personally most admire about Pricilla and Aquila?

    1. The way they overcame hardships while moving and serving.
    2. The way they work together in their home, vocation, and ministry.
    3. The mutual respect they show each other.
    4. The way they keep their home open to others.
    5. Other __________.

7. In Pricilla and Aquilla, we see a couple whose ministry is their home life and work life. How do you live out your ministry at home and in the workplace?

    1. I believe that every person is someone God has placed in my life.
    2. I strive to serve others by _________.
    3. I try to be a good example.
    4. I’ve never really thought about doing ministry at home or work.
    5. I accept others and listen.
    6. Other __________.

Our Story

8. Who would you be willing to spend extra time with to encourage and/or teach? What’s keeping you from being a mentor (Priscilla or Aquila-type) to that person?

9. Who would you want to spend extra time with to be encouraged and/or learn from? What’s keeping you from being mentored (as was Apollos) by that person?

10. How can this group pray for you and support you this week in your next steps regarding what you have shared?