Next to the weather or sports and perhaps family, what do guys most like to talk about? Work!
While what we “do” is not who we truly are in God’s eyes, and never will be, our careers, or
jobs, or however you want to describe it, take up a huge chunk of our time on earth. So it
naturally follows that no matter what employment realm we find ourselves in, it will produce
the kind of soul-testing scenarios we find in other corners of life. Boredom. Jealousy.
Misunderstandings. Disagreements. Management challenges. Reversals of authority. And so on.
In these six Lifelines, you’ll delve into the world of work and the snags and opportunities it
presents, with plenty of well-curated Biblical wisdom to guide you through each situation. It’s
bound to be a fruitful journey in many ways, so clock in and get cracking.