
Have you ever agreed to do something only to feel underqualified or unprepared after you began the task? If you are willing, share your story with the group.



The Israelites have escaped slavery in Egypt and are enduring hardships in the wilderness. All this has happened with God’s provision of miracle after miracle, but not without arguments and disputes, for which they turn to Moses. They have come to Mount Sinai, and Moses has come to his wits’ end. He is feeling overwhelmed by all the decision-making responsibilities. Here we see Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, advising him how to effectively lead and delegate.


God’s Story

Read Exodus 18:1-27. Have one group member be Jethro, one be Moses, and another be the narrator. (Or, for a less dramatic reading, have just one person read, but changing voices.)


Finding My Story in God’s Story 

1. Where do you see yourself in this story?

  • As Moses at the beginning, overwhelmed.
  • As Jethro, giving advice to others.
  • Like the people, looking to my leaders for direction and dispute resolution.
  • Like Moses at the end, surrounding myself with capable leaders.
  • Like Moses’ wife Zipporah, sidelined and missing my spouse at work.
  • Other _________.


2. Although he is in over his head at work and prioritizing work over family, Moses doesn’t ask for advice but gets unsolicited help anyway. How does it make you feel when someone, even an in-law, gives you unsolicited advice?

  • Angry – I don’t want your help!
  • Self-conscious – Is it that obvious?
  • Thankful – I am glad you said something.
  • Frustrated – I was just figuring things out.
  • Other __________.


3. What surprises you about the interactions between Jethro and Moses?

  • On this occasion wife and kids come along; hugs and kisses come before business.
  • That Jethro first focused on all the good that God had been doing through Moses.
  • That Jethro, a (pagan) Midian priest, had so much compassion and godly wisdom.
  • That Jethro, an in-law, could boldly speak into Moses’ life and leadership style.
  • Other __________.


4. What makes it difficult to ask for help from others?

  • How do you feel when you carry a burden by yourself?
  • It’s hard, but I can do it.
  • I feel important, but I can get overwhelmed, too.
  • I wish I had someone I could trust to help me.
  • There is no way I can do this by myself; I need help.
  • Other __________.


5. How do leaders at work or in your church share the responsibilities with others—or do they?

  • How do you feel about sharing your responsibilities with others?
  • It is my responsibility; I will do it myself.
  • Maybe I can give up some less critical pieces to someone else.
  • If I don’t ask for help, I am going to burn out.
  • I want to share the work with others so we can all be part of the success.
  • Other __________.


Our Story

6. How might you share your burdens—on the home or work front—this week?

  • Ask for help from _____.
  • Talk with _____ about the struggle I am having.
  • Remind myself that I am not responsible for everything.
  • Seek advice from _____, a person I respect.
  • Other __________.


7. After reflecting on God’s story in Exodus 18, how can you build a community of support to help you through hard times? What will you do to start building that support this week?


8. Pray for one another in your group. How else can this group help you take that next step this week?