
1. When have you been called upon to do something that seemed way beyond your ability, and so you resisted and procrastinated?

  • When my parents told me I had to __________.
  • When my wife thought I should __________.
  • There was this crisis when __________.
  • When my boss told me I had to __________.
  • Other __________.


Moses was an old man by this time, at least 80 years old. A fugitive from Egypt, he ran away many years earlier after a failed attempt to rescue his fellow Israelites from their enslavement. When the Egyptian officials found out he had killed a guard, they sought to arrest and execute Moses. So, he ran. Decades later, while a shepherd tending his flocks, God called Moses to go back to Egypt and deliver his people. Moses was not convinced he could or should do it. Just prior to the section we’ll read today, Moses had already tried to tell God that he was the wrong man for the job, but God kept on telling him he was the one.  


God’s Story

Have someone read aloud Exodus 4:1-17

Finding My Story within God’s Story

2. Put yourself in Moses’ sandals. What are you feeling as God interacts with you?

  • I hope God cares enough to listen. I still have questions.
  • If God backs me up like that, I got nothing to lose. Let’s go!
  • I’m still terrified to face those Egyptians.
  • The trick with the stick is pretty cool but I hate snakes.
  • I’d like another sign, a bit more relevant to the mission.
  • Other _________.

3. Poor Moses was trying to talk himself out of the job, so he raised a valid concern: What if the people don’t believe me? If you were one of the Israelite slaves and this old man showed up and told you he was going to free you, how might you respond?

  • Yeah, right—you and God talk on a first-name basis?
  • You and what army?
  • Great… when do we leave?
  • Not so quick, first I gotta….
  • Other _________.


4. After he’s given the three miraculous signs, Moses still objects: “I’ve never been a good speaker, you’ve got the wrong guy.”How would God’s response (vs 11-12) make you feel?

  • OK, sure. Now I’m all set.
  • God, you just don’t get it!
  • I’d at least like to have a script.
  • If God speaks through me, that’s another miracle.
  • Other _________.

5. Finally, still trying to get off the hook, Moses deflects one more time, “Send someone else! In YOUR story, how can you relate? When do you find it most difficult to speak?

  • In public—crowds make me nervous.
  • To God—not out loud anyway.
  • To anyone, one-on-one, about God.
  • To those on Facebook who might cancel me.
  • Other __________.

6. What do you make of God’s concession in sending Aaron as a companion?

  • God was backing off, giving Moses a break.
  • Though frustrated with Moses, God keeps him on the hook.
  • God handled Moses in a constructive way.
  • God compromised to get the job done.
  • Other __________.


7. As for “the rest of the story,” Moses heads off towards Egypt, staff in hand. What would it take for you to follow God’s nudge and take steps to obey his call on your life?

  • A miraculous sign that guarantees I won’t screw it up.
  • Encouragement from someone who listens to my concerns.
  • A burning bush or some other experience with God
  • Someone willing to serve alongside me as I ventured out.
  • A change of assignments, someplace to start small.
  • Other __________.

Our Story

8. It’s not clear whether God intended all along to have Aaron go with Moses or whether Aaron was part of “Plan B.”Regardless, how might we be brothers like Aaron or a lifeline to one another, helping each of us to take the next step in following God’s call?


9. Go around the group and share the “nudges” or next steps involved in following God’s “call.”

10. Have TWO volunteers pray short sentence prayers about next steps or “lifelines” this group could take to care for one another. Let the group leader close with a “summary prayer” for the group.