Summary: The Becoming a King Video Experience, from Morgan Snyder and Wild at Heart, is a personal invitation to dive deeply into the mission of becoming the kind of man to whom God can gladly entrust the care of his Kingdom. Every boy knows he was made to be powerful. As an acorn carries the blueprint of the oak tree, so the heart of every boy holds the possibility of becoming a wholehearted king whose strength brings goodness to all under his care. Yet the headlines often confirm what we know too well from our own stories: the anguished consequences of masculine power gone awry. Masculinity is in need of restoration. But what is the way, and how can men find it? Curated and distilled over two decades, the message of Becoming a King offers a path to restoring the hearts of men in the image of our strong, present, wise, and loving God.


Use Case: This is good resource for men in their late 20’s and 30’s as they become serious about purpose and life choices.


Questions to Consider: How do I bring my will in line with what God’s will is for me?


Click here to start the video series: