Resource - Book - walking with god

A book by John Eldridge

SUMMARY: Stories on what it looks like to walk with God over the course of a year. But even more than a tale of walking with God, this is a book about talking with God through the 4 seasons of a year and our lives.

REVIEW: Most people have heard of John Eldridge. He has written much about leadership and manhood. Walking With God is a much more intimate book looking behind the public facade of a well-known author. A group of younger men who recently with through this book shared that they felt drawn into the personal examples, and were able to take actionable items away after every reading.

USE CASES: Personal reading in quiet time and reflection. Use it with a group over 8 weeks (2 weeks per season) with a selected reading each week.

SPEED BUMPS:  Some readers may not come from the same theological corner as the author.

ASSOCIATED RESOURCES: There is a workbook available to journal alongside your readings.