I have always thought of Lent as season of spring cleaning for the soul. A time where we can focus on clearing out everything that is currently hindering our relationship with Jesus Christ. In this season of self-examination and self-reflection it is a natural time to be prayerfully examining our spiritual life, cleaning it up and seek to become closer to Christ.


The words of Christ from Luke 15:1-11 remind us that, “Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit.” It always reminds me of the vineyards that grew all around my family home. Each spring would bring a massive clearing of the old dead vines and the vines that didn’t produce fruit the year before.  These were thrown into the fire and burned. In doing so the vines produced abundant, delicious fruit. Just as Luke 15:7-8 reminds us, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”


Are you taking time this Lenten season to spring clean your spiritual life? Getting rid of those things, thoughts and practices that keep you from true and genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. If not, why not? It is Lent, it is spring, it is time to prepare yourself for the harvest that comes from a full, complete and uncluttered relationship with Jesus Christ.


John Sundquist, Lutheran Men in Mission Executive Director


Prayer: Blessed Lord, I long to be closer to you. Help me find those things that clutter my life and keep me from growing closer to you. I thank you for walking with me and often carrying me in the midst of my cluttered life. Prepare me to grow so I can live a full, complete and uncluttered relationship with you.  Amen.